Measuring plant growth and function (phenotyping) is key to identifying the roles of the genes, proteins and regulators that we study. Our range of imaging equipped climate chambers and glasshouse space allow measurement of plant growth under varying light (color and brightness), temperature, moisture and CO2 conditions across all our University Partners.
Our phenomic analysis platforms include:
- Imaging-based growth analysis systems for monitoring the growth of plant shoots under various conditions.
- Climate chambers with LED lighting and time lapse cameras to simulate climate scenarios and measure plant responses.
- Hyperspectral imaging with 1000s of colors and machine learning predictions of energy traits Chlorophyll fluorescence imaging systems to monitor spatial and temporal changes in leaf properties both in high resolution and high throughput.
- Gas exchange systems for analysis of CO2 and O2 exchange, including isotope analysis to monitor photosynthesis and respiration.
In addition to our in-house facilities, the Centre is closely involved with the NCRIS-funded Australian Plant Phenomics Facility (, both the APPF@ANU and the Plant Accelerator based at the University of Adelaide.