Dr Conny (Cornelia) Hooper

  • Honorary Research Associate, The University Of Western Australia
  • group: Small


I am a computational biologist with a comprehensive background in cell and molecular biology. I completed a double Masters degree in process engineering and medical biotechnology at the University of Technology in Berlin, Germany in 2005 before undertaking my PhD in cancer genetics at the University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia that was awarded to me in 2011. I have gained rich experience being involved of leading projects in blood and stem cell transfusion medicine, asthma and allergy inflammation as well as cancer biology from animal model to genetic and mathematical representations in the past 18 years that provide me with the unique understanding of biological units and networks in organisms. Since 2012, I am focussing on the mathematical and computational representations of metabolism with the aim to better understand complex gene trait-regulation in crop plants. I am particularly interested in complex networks of proteins and how their location, connectivity and abundance influence the energy household and other biological processes. I am administrating the SUBA3 and cropPAL databases that offer a protein location catalogue for the construction of biological networks.


My work includes analysis and interpretation and integration of large scale omics data towards exploring answers around plant energy balancing and cost calculations. I have developed and maintained data resources describing the subcellular location of proteins in Arabidopsis (SUBA) and crop plants (cropPAL).

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Year Publication Online
David R, Menezes RD, De Klerk J, Castleden IR, Hooper CM, Carneiro G, Gilliham M (2021) Identifying protein subcellular localisation in scientific literature using bidirectional deep recurrent neural network. SCI REP 11(1):1696.
Hooper CM, Castleden IR, Aryamanesh N, Black K, Grasso SV, Millar AH (2020) CropPAL for discovering divergence in protein subcellular location in crops to support strategies for molecular crop breeding. Plant J 104(3):812-827.
Hooper CM, Castleden IR, Tanz SK, Aryamanesh N, Millar AH (2017) SUBA4: the interactive data analysis centre for Arabidopsis subcellular protein locations. NUCLEIC ACIDS RES 45(D1):D1064-D1074.
Hooper CM, Stevens TJ, Saukkonen A, Castleden IR, Singh P, Mann GW, Fabre B, Ito J, Deery MJ, Lilley KS, Petzold CJ, Millar AH, Heazlewood JL, Parsons HT (2017) Multiple marker abundance profiling: combining selected reaction monitoring and data-dependent acquisition for rapid estimation of organelle abundance in subcellular samples. Plant J 92(6):1202-1217.
Hooper CM, Castleden IR, Aryamanesh N, Jacoby RP, Millar AH (2016) Finding the Subcellular Location of Barley, Wheat, Rice and Maize Proteins: The Compendium of Crop Proteins with Annotated Locations (cropPAL). Plant Cell Physiol 57(1):e9.
Tanz SK, Castleden I, Hooper CM, Small I, Millar AH (2014) Using the SUBcellular database for Arabidopsis proteins to localize the Deg protease family. FRONT PLANT SCI Aug 12;5:396.
Hooper CM, Hawes SM, Kees UR, Gottardo NG, Dallas PB (2014) Gene Expression Analyses of the Spatio-Temporal Relationships of Human Medulloblastoma Subgroups during Early Human Neurogenesis. PLOS ONE 9(11):e112909.
Hooper CM, Tanz SK, Castleden IR, Vacher MA, Small ID, Millar AH (2014) SUBAcon: a consensus algorithm for unifying the subcellular localization data of the Arabidopsis proteome BIOINFORMATICS 1;30(23):3356-64.
Tanz SK, Castleden I, Hooper C, Vacher M, Small I, Millar AH (2013) SUBA3: a database for integrating experimentation and prediction to define the SUBcellular location of proteins in Arabidopsis NUCLEIC ACIDS RES 41(Database issue):D1185-91.
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