Professor Harvey Millar

  • Director, The University Of Western Australia
  • group: millar


Harvey Millar's research focuses on mitochondrial function in plants and the role of metabolism is the energy efficiency of plants. His work has provided key new insights into antioxidant defence pathways in mitochondrial, diurnal rhythms in mitochondrial metabolism, tissue-specific mitochondrial functions, plant-specific features of the electron transport chain, regulatory networks governing respiratory activity in plants, and the mechanisms of mitochondria damage during oxidative stress. His group is also working on advances in plant proteome analysis to allow measurements of protein turnover rates and targeted quantitation of enzymes in metabolic pathways in both model plants and crops. In international collaborations using novel dataset and software developments, he has been involved in building plant proteome databases, protein location prediction and protein-protein interaction prediction in plants. Harvey Millar obtained his PhD from The Australian National University in 1997. He has worked at The University of Oxford in the UK (1997-1999) and The University of Western Australia (2000-present). He has held research fellowships including: Human Frontier Research Programme Fellowship (1997), ARC Australian Post-doctoral Fellowship (2000), ARC QEII Research Fellowship (2002), ARC Australian Professorial Fellowship (2006) and ARC Future Fellowship (2012). He has also been awarded the Peter Goldacre Medal by the Australian Society of Plant Scientists (2003), the WA Premier's Prize for Early Career Achievement in Science (2003), the Science Minister's Prize for Australian Life Scientist of the Year (2005), The Fenner Medal from the Australian Academy of Science (2012), the Charles Albert Shull Award from the American Society of Plant Biologists (2013), WA Scientist of the Year (2017).

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Year Publication Online
Yang F, Vincis Pereira Sanglard L, Lee CP, Ströher E, Singh S, Oh GGK, Millar AH, Small I, Colas Des Francs-Small C (2024) Mitochondrial atp1 mRNA knockdown by a custom-designed pentatricopeptide repeat protein alters ATP synthase. Plant Physiol 194(4):2631-2647.
Fuchs P, Feixes-Prats E, Arruda P, Feitosa-Araújo E, Fernie AR, Grefen C, Lichtenauer S, Linka N, De Godoy Maia I, Meyer AJ, Schilasky S, Sweetlove LJ, Wege S, Weber APM, Millar AH, Keech O, Florez-Sarasa I, Barreto P, Schwarzländer M (2024) PLANT UNCOUPLING MITOCHONDRIAL PROTEIN 2 localizes to the Golgi. Plant Physiol 194(2):623-628.
Song C, Li Y, Yang M, Li T, Hou Y, Liu Y, Xu C, Liu J, Millar AH, Wang N, Li L (2024) Protein aggregation in plant mitochondria lacking Lon1 inhibits translation and induces unfolded protein responses. Plant Cell Environ (in press).
Lee CP, Le XH, Gawryluk RMR, Casaretto JA, Rothstein SJ, Millar AH (2024) EARLY NODULIN93 acts via cytochrome c oxidase to alter respiratory ATP production and root growth in plants. Plant Cell (in press).
Castaños CE, Boyce MC, Bates T, Millar AH, Flematti G, Lawler NG, Grassl J (2023) Lipidomic features of honey bee and colony health during limited supplementary feeding. Insect Mol Biol 32(6):658-675.
Garcia A, Gaju O, Bowerman AF, Buck SA, Evans JR, Furbank RT, Gilliham M, Millar AH, Pogson BJ, Reynolds MP, Ruan YL, Taylor NL, Tyerman SD, Atkin OK (2023) Enhancing crop yields through improvements in the efficiency of photosynthesis and respiration. New Phytol 237(1):60-77.
Hanson AD, Millar AH, Nikoloski Z, Way DA (2023) Focus on respiration. Plant Physiol 191(4):2067-2069.
Munns R, Millar AH (2023) Seven plant capacities to adapt to abiotic stress. J Exp Bot 74(15):4308-4323.
Oh GGK, Kumari V, Millar AH, O'Leary BM (2023) Alternative oxidase 1a and 1d enable metabolic flexibility during Ala catabolism in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol 192(4):2958-2970.
Le XH, Millar AH (2023) The diversity of substrates for plant respiration and how to optimize their use. Plant Physiol 191(4):2133-2149.
Byrt CS, Millar AH, Munns R (2023) Staple crops equipped for alkaline soils. Nat Biotechnol 41(7):911-912.
Lee HN, Chacko JV, Gonzalez Solís A, Chen KE, Barros JAS, Signorelli S, Millar AH, Vierstra RD, Eliceiri KW, Otegui MS (2023) The autophagy receptor NBR1 directs the clearance of photodamaged chloroplasts. Elife 12:.
Li L, Duncan O, Ganguly DR, Lee CP, Crisp PA, Wijerathna-Yapa A, Salih K, Trösch J, Pogson BJ, Millar AH (2022) Enzymes degraded under high light maintain proteostasis by transcriptional regulation in <i>Arabidopsis</i>. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 119(20):e2121362119.
Joshi J, Beaudoin GAW, Patterson JA, García-García JD, Belisle CE, Chang LY, Li L, Duncan O, Millar AH, Hanson AD (2022) Correction: Bioinformatic and experimental evidence for suicidal and catalytic plant THI4s. Biochem J 479(24):2497.
Cao H, Duncan O, Millar AH (2022) The molecular basis of cereal grain proteostasis. Essays Biochem 66(2):243-253.
Li L, Lee CP, Ding X, Qin Y, Wijerathna-Yapa A, Broda M, Otegui MS, Millar AH (2022) Defects in autophagy lead to selective in vivo changes in turnover of cytosolic and organelle proteins in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 34(10):3936-3960.
Li Y, Belt K, Alqahtani SF, Saha S, Fenske R, Van Aken O, Whelan J, Millar AH, Murcha MW, Huang S (2022) The mitochondrial LYR protein SDHAF1 is required for succinate dehydrogenase activity in Arabidopsis. Plant J 110(2):499-512.
Dissanayake BM, Staudinger C, Munns R, Taylor NL, Millar AH (2022) Distinct salinity-induced changes in wheat metabolic machinery in different root tissue types. J Proteomics 256:104502.
Le XH, Lee CP, Monachello D, Millar AH (2022) Metabolic evidence for distinct pyruvate pools inside plant mitochondria. Nat Plants 8(6):694-705.
Tivendale ND, Fenske R, Duncan O, Millar AH (2021) In vivo homopropargylglycine incorporation enables sampling, isolation and characterization of nascent proteins from Arabidopsis thaliana. PLANT J 107(4):1260-1276.
Pazhamala LT, Kudapa H, Weckwerth W, Millar AH, Varshney RK (2021) Systems biology for crop improvement. PLANT GENOME 14(2):e20098.
Hanson AD, McCarty DR, Henry CS, Xian X, Joshi J, Patterson JA, García-García JD, Fleischmann SD, Tivendale ND, Millar AH (2021) The number of catalytic cycles in an enzyme's lifetime and why it matters to metabolic engineering. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 118(13):undefined.
Wijerathna-Yapa A, Stroeher E, Fenske R, Li L, Duncan O, Millar AH (2021) Proteomics for Autophagy Receptor and Cargo Identification in Plants. J Proteome Res 20(1):129-138.
Broda M, Khan K, O'Leary B, Pružinská A, Lee CP, Millar AH, Van Aken O (2021) Increased expression of ANAC017 primes for accelerated senescence. Plant Physiol 186(4):2205-2221.
Lee CP, Elsässer M, Fuchs P, Fenske R, Schwarzländer M, Millar AH (2021) The versatility of plant organic acid metabolism in leaves is underpinned by mitochondrial malate-citrate exchange. Plant Cell 33(12):3700-3720.
Cao H, Duncan O, Islam S, Zhang J, Ma W, Millar AH (2021) Increased Wheat Protein Content via Introgression of an HMW Glutenin Selectively Reshapes the Grain Proteome. Mol Cell Proteomics 20():100097.
Le XH, Lee CP, Millar AH (2021) The mitochondrial pyruvate carrier (MPC) complex mediates one of three pyruvate-supplying pathways that sustain Arabidopsis respiratory metabolism. Plant Cell 33(8):2776-2793.
Tivendale ND, Belt K, Berkowitz O, Whelan J, Millar AH, Huang S (2021) Knockdown of Succinate Dehydrogenase Assembly Factor 2 Induces Reactive Oxygen Species-Mediated Auxin Hypersensitivity Causing pH-Dependent Root Elongation. Plant Cell Physiol 62(7):1185-1198.
Wijerathna-Yapa A, Signorelli S, Fenske R, Ganguly DR, Stroeher E, Li L, Pogson BJ, Duncan O, Millar AH (2021) Autophagy mutants show delayed chloroplast development during de-etiolation in carbon limiting conditions. Plant J 108(2):459-477.
Alves Negrini AC, Evans JR, Kaiser BN, Millar AH, Kariyawasam BC, Atkin OK (2020) Effect of N supply on the carbon economy of barley when accounting for plant size. FUNCT PLANT BIOL 47(4):368-381.
Tivendale ND, Hanson AD, Henry CS, Hegeman AD, Millar AH (2020) Enzymes as Parts in Need of Replacement - and How to Extend Their Working Life. TRENDS PLANT SCI 25(7):661-669.
O'Leary BM, Oh GGK, Lee CP, Millar AH (2020) Metabolite regulatory interactions control plant respiratory metabolism via Target of Rapamycin (TOR) kinase activation. PLANT CELL 32(3):666-682.
Salih KJ, Duncan O, Li L, O'Leary B, Fenske R, Troesch J, Millar AH (2020) Impact of oxidative stress on the function, abundance and turnover of the Arabidopsis 80S cytosolic ribosome. PLANT J. 103(1):128-139.
Asao S, Hayes L, Aspinwall MJ, Rymer PD, Blackman C, Bryant CJ, Cullerne D, Egerton JJG, Fan Y, Innes P, Millar AH, Tucker J, Shah S, Wright IJ, Yvon-Durocher G, Tissue D, Atkin OK (2020) Leaf trait variation is similar among genotypes of Eucalyptus camaldulensis from differing climates and arises in plastic responses to the seasons rather than water availability. NEW PHYTOL. 227(3):780-793.
Petereit J, Duncan O, Murcha MW, Fenske R, Cincu E, Cahn J, Pružinská A, Ivanova A, Kollipara L, Wortelkamp S, Sickmann A, Lee J, Lister R, Millar AH, Huang S (2020) Mitochondrial CLPP2 Assists Coordination and Homeostasis of Respiratory Complexes. Plant Physiol 184(1):148-164.
Huang S, Petereit J, Millar AH (2020) Loss of conserved mitochondrial CLPP and its functions lead to different phenotypes in plants and other organisms. Plant Signal Behav 15(12):1831789.
Joshi J, Beaudoin GAW, Patterson JA, García-García JD, Belisle CE, Chang LY, Li L, Duncan O, Millar AH, Hanson AD (2020) Bioinformatic and experimental evidence for suicidal and catalytic plant THI4s. BIOCHEM J 477(11):2055-2069.
Hooper CM, Castleden IR, Aryamanesh N, Black K, Grasso SV, Millar AH (2020) CropPAL for discovering divergence in protein subcellular location in crops to support strategies for molecular crop breeding. Plant J 104(3):812-827.
Che-Othman MH, Jacoby RP, Millar AH, Taylor NL (2020) Wheat mitochondrial respiration shifts from the tricarboxylic acid cycle to the GABA shunt under salt stress. New Phytol 225(3):1166-1180.
O'Leary BM, Scafaro AP, Fenske R, Duncan O, Ströher E, Petereit J, Millar AH (2020) Rubisco lysine acetylation occurs at very low stoichiometry in mature Arabidopsis leaves: implications for regulation of enzyme function. Biochem J 477(19):3885-3896.
Salih KJ, Duncan O, Li L, Trösch J, Millar AH (2020) The composition and turnover of the Arabidopsis thaliana 80S cytosolic ribosome. Biochem J 477(16):3019-3032.
Huang S, Li L, Petereit J, Millar AH (2020) Protein turnover rates in plant mitochondria. Mitochondrion 53():57-65.
Van Moerkercke A, Duncan O, Zander M, Šimura J, Broda M, Vanden Bossche R, Lewsey MG, Lama S, Singh KB, Ljung K, Ecker JR, Goossens A, Millar AH, Van Aken O (2019) A MYC2/MYC3/MYC4-dependent transcription factor network regulates water spray-responsive gene expression and jasmonate levels. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 116(46):23345-23356.
Wurtzel ET, Vickers CE, Hanson AD, Millar AH, Cooper M, Voss-Fels KP, Nikel PI, Erb TJ (2019) Revolutionizing agriculture with synthetic biology. NAT PLANTS 5(12):1207-1210.
Amthor JS, Bar-Even A, Hanson AD, Millar AH, Stitt M, Sweetlove LJ, Tyerman SD (2019) Engineering Strategies to Boost Crop Productivity by Cutting Respiratory Carbon Loss. PLANT CELL 31(2):297-314.
Huang S, Braun HP, Gawryluk RMR, Millar AH (2019) Mitochondrial complex II of plants: subunit composition, assembly and function in respiration and signaling. PLANT J. 98(3):405-417.
Millar AH, Heazlewood JL, Giglione C, Holdsworth MJ, Bachmair A, Schulze WX (2019) The Scope, Functions, and Dynamics of Posttranslational Protein Modifications. Annu Rev Plant Biol 70:119-151.
Ryan MH, Kaur P, Nazeri NK, Clode PL, Keeble-Gagnère G, Doolette AL, Smernik RJ, Van Aken O, Nicol D, Maruyama H, Ezawa T, Lambers H, Millar AH, Appels R (2019) Globular structures in roots accumulate phosphorus to extremely high concentrations following phosphorus addition. PLANT CELL ENVIRON. 42(6):1987-2002.
Coast O, Shah S, Ivakov A, Gaju O, Wilson PB, Posch BC, Bryant CJ, Negrini ACA, Evans JR, Condon AG, Silva-Pérez V, Reynolds MP, Pogson BJ, Millar AH, Furbank RT, Atkin OK (2019) Predicting dark respiration rates of wheat leaves from hyperspectral reflectance. PLANT CELL ENVIRON. 42(7):2133-2150.
Ohbayashi I, Huang S, Fukaki H, Song X, Sun S, Morita MT, Tasaka M, Millar AH, Furutani M (2019) Mitochondrial Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Contributes to Auxin-Regulated Organ Development. PLANT PHYSIOL. 180(2):896-909.
Kerbler SM, Taylor NL, Millar AH (2019) Cold sensitivity of mitochondrial ATP synthase restricts oxidative phosphorylation in Arabidopsis thaliana. NEW PHYTOL. 221(4):1776-1788.
Broda M, Millar AH, Van Aken O (2018) Mitophagy: A Mechanism for Plant Growth and Survival. TRENDS PLANT SCI 23(5):434-450.
Belt K, Van Aken O, Murcha MW, Millar AH, Huang S (2018) An assembly factor promotes assembly of flavinated SDH1 into the succinate dehydrogenase complex. PLANT PHYSIOL. 177(4):1439-1452.
Li L, Aro EM, Millar AH (2018) Mechanisms of Photodamage and Protein Turnover in Photoinhibition. TRENDS PLANT SCI 23(8):667-676.
Huang S, Shingaki-Wells RN, Petereit J, Alexova R, Millar AH (2018) Temperature-dependent metabolic adaptation of Triticum aestivum seedlings to anoxia. Sci Rep 8(1):6151.
Szappanos HC, Muralidharan P, Ingley E, Petereit J, Millar AH, Hool LC (2018) Author Correction: Identification of a novel cAMP dependent protein kinase A phosphorylation site on the human cardiac calcium channel. SCI REP 8(1):7207.
Crisp PA, Smith AB, Ganguly DR, Murray KD, Eichten SR, Millar AA, Pogson BJ (2018) RNA Polymerase II read-through promotes expression of neighboring genes in SAL1-PAP-XRN retrograde signaling. PLANT PHYSIOL. 178(4):1614-1630.
Paynter E, Millar AH, Welch M, Baer-Imhoof B, Cao D, Baer B (2017) Insights into the molecular basis of long-term storage and survival of sperm in the honeybee (Apis mellifera). Sci Rep 7:40236.
Pružinská A, Shindo T, Niessen S, Kaschani F, Tóth R, Millar AH, van der Hoorn RA (2017) Major Cys protease activities are not essential for senescence in individually darkened Arabidopsis leaves. BMC PLANT BIOL. 17(1):4.
Li L, Millar AH, Huang S (2017) Mitochondrial Lon1 has a role in homeostasis of the mitochondrial ribosome and pentatricopeptide repeat proteins in plants. PLANT SIGNAL BEHAV 12(2):e1276686.
Hooper CM, Castleden IR, Tanz SK, Aryamanesh N, Millar AH (2017) SUBA4: the interactive data analysis centre for Arabidopsis subcellular protein locations. NUCLEIC ACIDS RES 45(D1):D1064-D1074.
Duncan O, Millar AH, Taylor NL (2017) Isolation of Mitochondria, Their Sub-Organellar Compartments, and Membranes. METHODS MOL. BIOL. 1511:83-96.
Millar AH, Taylor NL (2017) The Isolation of Plant Organelles and Structures in the Post-genomic Era. METHODS MOL. BIOL. 1511:1-11.
Li L, Nelson CJ, Trösch J, Castleden I, Huang S, Millar AH (2017) Protein Degradation Rate in <i>Arabidopsis thaliana</i> Leaf Growth and Development. Plant Cell 29(2):207-228.
Belt K, Huang S, Thatcher LF, Casarotto H, Singh K, Van Aken O, Millar AH (2017) Salicylic acid-dependent plant stress signalling via mitochondrial succinate dehydrogenase. PLANT PHYSIOL. 173(4):2029-2040.
Blomme J, Van Aken O, Van Leene J, Jégu T, De Rycke RM, De Bruyne M, Vercruysse J, Nolf J, Van Daele T, De Milde L, Vermeersch M, Colas des Francs-Small C, De Jaeger G, Benhamed M, Millar AH, Inzé D, Gonzalez N (2017) The Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA)-Associated Protein SWIB5 Influences mtDNA Architecture and Homologous Recombination. PLANT CELL 29(5):1137-1156.
Clavijo BJ, Venturini L, Schudoma C, Accinelli GG, Kaithakottil G, Wright J, Borrill P, Kettleborough G, Heavens D, Chapman H, Lipscombe J, Barker T, Lu FH, McKenzie N, Raats D, Ramirez-Gonzalez RH, Coince A, Peel N, Percival-Alwyn L, Duncan O, Trösch J, Yu G, Bolser DM, Namaati G, Kerhornou A, Spannagl M, Gundlach H, Haberer G, Davey RP, Fosker C, Palma FD, Phillips AL, Millar AH, Kersey PJ, Uauy C, Krasileva KV, Swarbreck D, Bevan MW, Clark MD (2017) An improved assembly and annotation of the allohexaploid wheat genome identifies complete families of agronomic genes and provides genomic evidence for chromosomal translocations. GENOME RES 27(5):885-896.
Scafaro AP, Negrini ACA, O'Leary B, Rashid FAA, Hayes L, Fan Y, Zhang Y, Chochois V, Badger MR, Millar AH, Atkin OK (2017) The combination of gas-phase fluorophore technology and automation to enable high-throughput analysis of plant respiration. Plant Methods 13:16.
O'Leary BM, Lee CP, Atkin OK, Cheng R, Brown TB, Millar AH (2017) Variation in Leaf Respiration Rates at Night Correlates with Carbohydrate and Amino Acid Supply. PLANT PHYSIOL. 174(4):2261-2273.
Hooper CM, Stevens TJ, Saukkonen A, Castleden IR, Singh P, Mann GW, Fabre B, Ito J, Deery MJ, Lilley KS, Petzold CJ, Millar AH, Heazlewood JL, Parsons HT (2017) Multiple marker abundance profiling: combining selected reaction monitoring and data-dependent acquisition for rapid estimation of organelle abundance in subcellular samples. Plant J 92(6):1202-1217.
Cserne Szappanos H, Muralidharan P, Ingley E, Petereit J, Millar AH, Hool LC (2017) Identification of a novel cAMP dependent protein kinase A phosphorylation site on the human cardiac calcium channel. SCI REP 7(1):15118.
Grassl J, Peng Y, Baer-Imhoof B, Welch M, Millar AH, Baer B (2017) Infections with the sexually transmitted pathogen <i>Nosema apis</i> trigger an immune response in the seminal fluid of honey bees (<i>Apis mellifera</i>). J PROTEOME RES 16(1):319-334.
Duncan O, Trösch J, Fenske R, Taylor NL, Millar AH (2017) Mapping the Triticum aestivum proteome. PLANT J. 89(3):601-616.
Li L, Nelson C, Fenske R, Trösch J, Pružinská A, Millar AH, Huang S (2017) Changes in specific protein degradation rates in Arabidopsis thaliana reveal multiple roles of Lon1 in mitochondrial protein homeostasis. Plant J 89(3):458-471.
Alexova R, Nelson CJ, Millar AH (2017) Temporal development of the barley leaf metabolic response to P<sub>i</sub> limitation. Plant Cell Environ 40(5):645-657.
Peng Y, Grassl J, Millar AH, Baer B (2016) Seminal fluid of honeybees contains multiple mechanisms to combat infections of the sexually transmitted pathogen Nosema apis. PROC BIOL SCI 283(1823).
Hsieh YS, Zhang Q, Yap K, Shirley NJ, Lahnstein J, Nelson CJ, Burton RA, Millar AH, Bulone V, Fincher GB (2016) Genetics, Transcriptional Profiles, and Catalytic Properties of the UDP-Arabinose Mutase Family from Barley. Biochemistry 55(2):322-34.
Ströher E, Grassl J, Carrie C, Fenske R, Whelan J, Millar AH (2016) Glutaredoxin S15 Is Involved in Fe-S Cluster Transfer in Mitochondria Influencing Lipoic Acid-Dependent Enzymes, Plant Growth, and Arsenic Tolerance in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol 170(3):1284-99.
Wang Y, Lyu W, Berkowitz O, Radomiljac JD, Law SR, Murcha MW, Carrie C, Teixeira PF, Kmiec B, Duncan O, Van Aken O, Narsai R, Glaser E, Huang S, Roessner U, Millar AH, Whelan J (2016) Inactivation of Mitochondrial Complex I Induces the Expression of a Twin Cysteine Protein that Targets and Affects Cytosolic, Chloroplastidic and Mitochondrial Function. Mol Plant 9(5):696-710.
Jacoby RP, Che-Othman MH, Millar AH, Taylor NL (2016) Analysis of the sodium chloride-dependent respiratory kinetics of wheat mitochondria reveals differential effects on phosphorylating and non-phosphorylating electron transport pathways. Plant Cell Environ 39(4):823-33.
Baer B, Millar AH (2016) Proteomics in evolutionary ecology. J PROTEOMICS 135:4-11.
Hooper CM, Castleden IR, Aryamanesh N, Jacoby RP, Millar AH (2016) Finding the Subcellular Location of Barley, Wheat, Rice and Maize Proteins: The Compendium of Crop Proteins with Annotated Locations (cropPAL). Plant Cell Physiol 57(1):e9.
Jacoby RP, Millar AH, Taylor NL (2016) Opportunities for wheat proteomics to discover the biomarkers for respiration-dependent biomass production, stress tolerance and cytoplasmic male sterility. J Proteomics 143:36-44.
Lee CP, Millar AH (2016) The Plant Mitochondrial Transportome: Balancing Metabolic Demands with Energetic Constraints. TRENDS PLANT SCI 21(8):662-676.
Sew YS, Stroher E, Fenske R, Millar AH (2016) Loss of mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase activity alters seed metabolism impairing seed maturation and post-germination growth in Arabidopsis. PLANT PHYSIOL. 171(2):849-63.
Van Aken O, De Clercq I, Ivanova A, Law SR, Van Breusegem F, Millar AH, Whelan J (2016) Mitochondrial and Chloroplast Stress Responses Are Modulated in Distinct Touch and Chemical Inhibition Phases. Plant Physiol 171(3):2150-65.
Huang S, Van Aken O, Schwarzländer M, Belt K, Millar AH (2016) Roles of mitochondrial reactive oxygen species in cellular signalling and stress response in plants. PLANT PHYSIOL. 171(3):1551-9.
Van Aken O, Ford E, Lister R, Huang S, Millar AH (2016) Retrograde signalling caused by heritable mitochondrial dysfunction is partially mediated by ANAC017 and improves plant performance. PLANT J. 88(4):542-558.
Lee CP, Maksaev G, Jensen GS, Murcha MW, Wilson ME, Fricker M, Hell R, Haswell ES, Millar AH, Sweetlove L (2016) MSL1 is a mechanosensitive ion channel that dissipates mitochondrial membrane potential and maintains redox homeostasis in mitochondria during abiotic stress. PLANT J. 88(5):809-825.
Hu Z, Vanderhaeghen R, Cools T, Wang Y, De Clercq I, Leroux O, Nguyen L, Belt K, Millar AH, Audenaert D, Hilson P, Small ID, Mouille G, Vernhettes S, Van Breusegem F, Whelan J, Höfte H, De Veylder L (2016) Mitochondrial Defects Confer Tolerance against Cellulose Deficiency. PLANT CELL 28(9):2276-2290.
Taylor NL, Millar AH (2015) Plant mitochondrial proteomics. Methods Mol Biol 1305():83-106.
Huang S, Nelson CJ, Li L, Taylor NL, Ströher E, Peteriet J, Millar AH (2015) INTERMEDIATE CLEAVAGE PEPTIDASE55 Modifies Enzyme Amino Termini and Alters Protein Stability in Arabidopsis Mitochondria. Plant Physiol 168(2):415-27.
Peng Y, Baer-Imhoof B, Millar AH, Baer B (2015) Consequences of Nosema apis infection for male honey bees and their fertility. Sci Rep 5():10565.
Huang S, Lee CP, Millar AH (2015) Activity assay for plant mitochondrial enzymes. METHODS MOL. BIOL. 1305:139-149.
Sew YS, Millar AH, Stroeher E (2015) Micro-respiratory measurements in plants. Methods Mol Biol 1305():187-96.
Jacoby RP, Millar AH, Taylor NL (2015) Assessment of respiration in isolated plant mitochondria using Clark-type electrodes. Methods Mol Biol 1305:165-85.
Bernath-Levin K, Nelson C, Elliott AG, Jayasena AS, Millar AH, Craik DJ, Mylne JS (2015) Peptide macrocyclization by a bifunctional endoprotease. Chem Biol 22(5):571-82.
Alexova R, Nelson CJ, Jacoby RP, Millar AH (2015) Exposure of barley plants to low Pi leads to rapid changes in root respiration that correlate with specific alterations in amino acid substrates. New Phytol 206(2):696-708.
Taylor NL, Fenske R, Castleden I, Tomaz T, Nelson CJ, Millar AH (2014) Selected reaction monitoring to determine protein abundance in Arabidopsis using the Arabidopsis proteotypic predictor. Plant Physiol 164(2):525-36.
Shingaki-Wells R, Millar AH, Whelan J, Narsai R (2014) What happens to plant mitochondria under low oxygen? An omics review of the responses to low oxygen and reoxygenation. Plant Cell Environ 37(10):2260-77.
Millar AH, Taylor NL (2014) Subcellular proteomics-where cell biology meets protein chemistry. FRONT PLANT SCI Feb 26;5:55.
Taylor NL, Ströher E, Millar AH (2014) Arabidopsis organelle isolation and characterization. Methods Mol Biol 1062:551-72.
Nelson CJ, Li L, Millar AH (2014) Quantitative analysis of protein turnover in plants. Proteomics 14(4-5):579-92.
Huang S, Jacoby RP, Millar AH, Taylor NL (2014) Plant mitochondrial proteomics. Methods Mol Biol 1072:499-525.
Peng Y, Lee-Pullen TF, Heel K, Millar AH, Baer B (2014) Quantifying spore viability of the honey bee pathogen Nosema apis using flow cytometry. CYTOMETRY A 85(5):454-62.
Chen W, Taylor NL, Chi Y, Millar AH, Lambers H, Finnegan PM (2014) The metabolic acclimation of Arabidopsis thaliana to arsenate is sensitized by the loss of mitochondrial LIPOAMIDE DEHYDROGENASE2, a key enzyme in oxidative metabolism. PLANT CELL ENVIRON. 37(3):684-95.
Simmons LW, Beveridge M, Li L, Tan YF, Millar AH (2014) Ontogenetic changes in seminal fluid gene expression and the protein composition of cricket seminal fluid. Evol Dev 16(2):101-9.
Cheah MH, Millar AH, Myers RC, Day DA, Roth J, Hillier W, Badger MR (2014) Online oxygen kinetic isotope effects using membrane inlet mass spectrometry can differentiate between oxidases for mechanistic studies and calculation of their contributions to oxygen consumption in whole tissues. Anal Chem 86(10):5171-8.
Tanz SK, Castleden I, Hooper CM, Small I, Millar AH (2014) Using the SUBcellular database for Arabidopsis proteins to localize the Deg protease family. FRONT PLANT SCI Aug 12;5:396.
Nelson CJ, Alexova R, Jacoby RP, Millar AH (2014) Proteins with high turnover rate in barley leaves estimated by proteome analysis combined with in planta isotope labeling. Plant Physiol 166(1):91-108.
Hooper CM, Tanz SK, Castleden IR, Vacher MA, Small ID, Millar AH (2014) SUBAcon: a consensus algorithm for unifying the subcellular localization data of the Arabidopsis proteome BIOINFORMATICS 1;30(23):3356-64.
Li L, Nelson CJ, Carrie C, Gawryluk RM, Solheim C, Gray MW, Whelan J, Millar AH (2013) Subcomplexes of ancestral respiratory complex I subunits rapidly turn over in vivo as productive assembly intermediates in Arabidopsis. J Biol Chem 288(8):5707-17.
Alexova R, Millar AH (2013) Proteomics of phosphate use and deprivation in plants. Proteomics 13(3-4):609-23.
Huang S, Taylor NL, Ströher E, Fenske R, Millar AH (2013) Succinate dehydrogenase assembly factor 2 is needed for assembly and activity of mitochondrial complex II and for normal root elongation in Arabidopsis. Plant J 73(3):429-41.
Tanz SK, Castleden I, Hooper C, Vacher M, Small I, Millar AH (2013) SUBA3: a database for integrating experimentation and prediction to define the SUBcellular location of proteins in Arabidopsis NUCLEIC ACIDS RES 41(Database issue):D1185-91.
Jacoby RP, Millar AH, Taylor NL (2013) Application of selected reaction monitoring mass spectrometry to field-grown crop plants to allow dissection of the molecular mechanisms of abiotic stress tolerance. Front Plant Sci 4:20.
Huang S, Shingaki-Wells RN, Taylor NL, Millar AH (2013) The rice mitochondria proteome and its response during development and to the environment. Front Plant Sci 4:16.
Lee CP, Taylor NL, Millar AH (2013) Recent advances in the composition and heterogeneity of the Arabidopsis mitochondrial proteome FRONT PLANT SCI 2013;4:4.
Huang S, Millar AH (2013) Sequence diversity and conservation in factors influencing succinate dehydrogenase flavinylation PLANT SIGNAL BEHAV 8(2):e22815.
Bailey NW, Veltsos P, Tan YF, Millar AH, Ritchie MG, Simmons LW (2013) Tissue-specific transcriptomics in the field cricket Teleogryllus oceanicus. G3 (Bethesda) 3(2):225-30.
Huang S, Jacoby RP, Shingaki-Wells RN, Li L, Millar AH (2013) Differential induction of mitochondrial machinery by light intensity correlates with changes in respiratory metabolism and photorespiration in rice leaves. New Phytol 198(1):103-115.
Simmons LW, Tan YF, Millar AH (2013) Sperm and seminal fluid proteomes of the field cricket Teleogryllus oceanicus: identification of novel proteins transferred to females at mating. Insect Mol Biol 22(1):115-30.
Huang S, Millar AH (2013) Succinate dehydrogenase: the complex roles of a simple enzyme. CURR OPIN PLANT BIOL Jun;16(3):344-9.
Nelson CJ, Li L, Jacoby RP, Millar AH (2013) Degradation rate of mitochondrial proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana cells. J Proteome Res 12(7):3449-59.
Sew YS, Ströher E, Holzmann C, Huang S, Taylor NL, Jordana X, Millar AH (2013) Multiplex micro-respiratory measurements of Arabidopsis tissues. New Phytol 200(3):922-932.
Jacoby RP, Millar AH, Taylor NL (2013) Investigating the role of respiration in plant salinity tolerance by analyzing mitochondrial proteomes from wheat and a salinity-tolerant Amphiploid (wheat × Lophopyrum elongatum). J Proteome Res 12(11):4807-29.
Wang T, Liu J, Shen L, Tonti-Filippini J, Zhu Y, Jia H, Lister R, Ecker J, Millar AH, Ren B, Wang W (2013) STAR: An Integrated Solution to Management and Visualization of Sequencing Data. BIOINFORMATICS 29(24):3204-10.
Zareie R, Eubel H, Millar AH, Baer B (2013) Long-term survival of high quality sperm: insights into the sperm proteome of the honeybee Apis mellifera. J Proteome Res 12(11):5180-8.
Tanz SK, Castleden I, Small ID, Millar AH (2013) Fluorescent protein tagging as a tool to define the subcellular distribution of proteins in plants. FRONT PLANT SCI 4:214.
Law SR, Narsai R, Taylor NL, Delannoy E, Carrie C, Giraud E, Millar AH, Small I, Whelan J (2012) Nucleotide and RNA metabolism prime translational initiation in the earliest events of mitochondrial biogenesis during Arabidopsis germination. Plant Physiol 158(4):1610-27.
Lee CP, Eubel H, Solheim C, Millar AH (2012) Mitochondrial proteome heterogeneity between tissues from the vegetative and reproductive stages of Arabidopsis thaliana development. J Proteome Res 11(6):3326-43.
Li L, Nelson CJ, Solheim C, Whelan J, Millar AH (2012) Determining degradation and synthesis rates of arabidopsis proteins using the kinetics of progressive 15N labeling of two-dimensional gel-separated protein spots. Mol Cell Proteomics 11(6):M111.010025.
Li L, Carrie C, Nelson C, Whelan J, Millar AH (2012) Accumulation of newly synthesized F1 in vivo in arabidopsis mitochondria provides evidence for modular assembly of the plant F1Fo ATP synthase. J Biol Chem 287(31):25749-57.
Tan YF, Millar AH, Taylor NL (2012) Components of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation vary in abundance following exposure to cold and chemical stresses. J Proteome Res 11(7):3860-79.
Poth AG Mylne JS, Grassl J, Lyons RE, Millar AH, Colgrave ML, Craik DJ (2012) Cyclotides associate with leaf vasculature and are the products of a novel precursor in Petunia (Solanaceae) J BIOL CHEM 287(32):27033-46.
Ströher E, Millar AH (2012) The biological roles of glutaredoxins. Biochem J 446(3):333-48.
Baer B, Zareie R, Paynter E, Poland V, Millar AH (2012) Seminal fluid proteins differ in abundance between genetic lineages of honeybees. J Proteomics 75(18):5646-53.
Jacoby RP, Li L, Huang S, Pong Lee C, Millar AH, Taylor NL (2012) Mitochondrial composition, function and stress response in plants. J Integr Plant Biol 54(11):887-906.
Solheim C, Li L, Hatzopoulos P, Millar AH (2012) Loss of Lon1 in Arabidopsis changes the mitochondrial proteome leading to altered metabolite profiles and growth retardation without an accumulation of oxidative damage PLANT PHYSIOL. 160(3):1187-203.
Grassl J, Pružinská A, Hörtensteiner S, Taylor NL, Millar AH (2012) Early events in plastid protein degradation in stay-green Arabidopsis reveal differential regulation beyond the retention of LHCII and chlorophyll J PROTEOME RES 11(11):5443-52.
Joshi HJ, Hirsch-Hoffmann M, Baerenfaller K, Gruissem W, Baginsky S, Schmidt R, Schulze WX, Sun Q, Van Wijk KJ, Egelhofer V, Wienkoop S, Weckwerth W, Bruley C, Rolland N, Toyoda T, Nakagami H, Jones AM, Briggs SP, Castleden I, Tanz SK, Millar AH, Heazlewood JL (2011) MASCP Gator: an aggregation portal for the visualization of Arabidopsis proteomics data. Plant Physiol 155(1):259-70.
Taylor NL, Heazlewood JL, Millar AH (2011) The Arabidopsis thaliana 2-D gel mitochondrial proteome: Refining the value of reference maps for assessing protein abundance, contaminants and post-translational modifications. Proteomics 11(9):1720-33.
Lee CP, Eubel H, O'Toole N, Millar AH (2011) Combining proteomics of root and shoot mitochondria and transcript analysis to define constitutive and variable components in plant mitochondria. Phytochemistry 72(10):1092-108.
Poland V, Eubel H, King M, Solheim C, Harvey Millar A, Baer B (2011) Stored sperm differs from ejaculated sperm by proteome alterations associated with energy metabolism in the honeybee Apis mellifera. Mol Ecol 20(12):2643-54.
Huang S, Millar AH, Taylor NL (2011) The plant mitochondrial proteome composition and stress response: conservation and divergence between monocots and dicots 1(3):207-239.
Meyer EH, Solheim C, Tanz SK, Bonnard G, Millar AH (2011) Insights into the composition and assembly of the membrane arm of plant complex I through analysis of subcomplexes in Arabidopsis mutant lines. J Biol Chem 286(29):26081-92.
Shingaki-Wells RN, Huang S, Taylor NL, Carroll AJ, Zhou W, Millar AH (2011) Differential molecular responses of rice and wheat coleoptiles to anoxia reveal novel metabolic adaptations in amino acid metabolism for tissue tolerance. Plant Physiol 156(4):1706-24.
Ito J, Batth TS, Petzold CJ, Redding-Johanson AM, Mukhopadhyay A, Verboom R, Meyer EH, Millar AH, Heazlewood JL (2011) Analysis of the Arabidopsis cytosolic proteome highlights subcellular partitioning of central plant metabolism. J Proteome Res 10(4):1571-82.
Gleason C, Huang S, Thatcher LF, Foley RC, Anderson CR, Carroll AJ, Millar AH, Singh KB (2011) Mitochondrial complex II has a key role in mitochondrial-derived reactive oxygen species influence on plant stress gene regulation and defense. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 108(26):10768-73.
Shingaki-Wells RN, Huang S, Taylor NL, Millar AH (2011) Pursuing the identification of O(2) deprivation survival mechanisms in plants related to selective mRNA translation, hormone-independent cellular elongation and preparation for the arrival of oxygen. Plant Signal Behav 6(10):1612-5.
Grassl J, Taylor NL, Millar AH (2011) Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation mass spectrometry imaging and its development for plant protein imaging. PLANT METHODS 7(1):21.
Jacoby RP, Taylor NL, Millar AH (2011) The role of mitochondrial respiration in salinity tolerance. Trends Plant Sci 16(11):614-23.
Duncan O, Taylor NL, Carrie C, Eubel H, Kubiszewski-Jakubiak S, Zhang B, Narsai R, Millar AH, Whelan J (2011) Multiple lines of evidence localize signaling, morphology, and lipid biosynthesis machinery to the mitochondrial outer membrane of Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol 157(3):1093-113.
Millar AH, Whelan J, Soole KL, Day DA (2011) Organization and regulation of mitochondrial respiration in plants. Annu Rev Plant Biol 62:79-104.
Huang S, Taylor NL, Narsai R, Eubel H, Whelan J, Millar AH (2010) Functional and composition differences between mitochondrial complex II in Arabidopsis and rice are correlated with the complex genetic history of the enzyme. Plant Mol Biol 72(3):331-42.
Tan YF, O'Toole N, Taylor NL, Millar AH (2010) Divalent metal ions in plant mitochondria and their role in interactions with proteins and oxidative stress-induced damage to respiratory function. Plant Physiol 152(2):747-61.
Atkin O, Millar AH, Turnbull M (2010) Plant respiration in a changing world NEW PHYTOL. 187(2):268-72.
Lee CP, Eubel H, Millar AH (2010) Diurnal changes in mitochondrial function reveal daily optimization of light and dark respiratory metabolism in Arabidopsis. Mol Cell Proteomics 9(10):2125-39.
Carroll AJ, Badger MR, Millar AH (2010) The MetabolomeExpress Project: enabling web-based processing, analysis and transparent dissemination of GC/MS metabolomics datasets. BMC Bioinformatics 11:376.
Taylor NL, Howell KA, Heazlewood JL, Tan TY, Narsai R, Huang S, Whelan J, Millar AH (2010) Analysis of the rice mitochondrial carrier family reveals anaerobic accumulation of a basic amino acid carrier involved in arginine metabolism during seed germination. Plant Physiol 154(2):691-704.
Tomaz T, Bagard M, Pracharoenwattana I, Lindén P, Lee CP, Carroll AJ, Ströher E, Smith SM, Gardeström P, Millar AH (2010) Mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase lowers leaf respiration and alters photorespiration and plant growth in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol 154(3):1143-57.
Jacoby RP, Millar AH, Taylor NL (2010) Wheat mitochondrial proteomes provide new links between antioxidant defense and plant salinity tolerance. J Proteome Res 9(12):6595-604.
Bastow R, Beynon J, Estelle M, Friesner J, Grotewold E, Lavagi I, Lindsey K, Meyers B, Provart N, Benfey P, Birney E, Braun P, Brendel V, Buell R, Caccamo M, Carrington J, Cherry M, Ecker JR, Eppig J, Forster M, Gutiérrez R, Hilson P, Huala E, Katari M, Kersey P, Kudla J, Ma H, Matsui M, Matthews K, May S, Mayer K, Millar AH, Mjolsness E, Mockler T, Nikolau B, Nordborg M, Rawlings C, Schofield P, Schoof H, Schroeder JI, Sen TZ, Stanzione D, Town C, Toyoda T, Vision T, Walsh S, Wang X, Ware D, Weckwerth W, Yang W (2010) An international bioinformatics infrastructure to underpin the Arabidopsis community PLANT CELL 22(8):2530-6.
Giraud E, Ng S, Carrie C, Duncan O, Low J, Lee CP, Van Aken O, Millar AH, Murcha M, Whelan J (2010) TCP transcription factors link the regulation of genes encoding mitochondrial proteins with the circadian clock in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell 22(12):3921-34.
Kreuzwieser J, Hauberg J, Howell KA, Carroll A, Rennenberg H, Millar AH, Whelan J (2009) Differential response of gray poplar leaves and roots underpins stress adaptation during hypoxia. Plant Physiol 149(1):461-73.
Taylor NL, Tan YF, Jacoby RP, Millar AH (2009) Abiotic environmental stress induced changes in the Arabidopsis thaliana chloroplast, mitochondria and peroxisome proteomes. J Proteomics 72(3):367-78.
Huang S, Taylor NL, Narsai R, Eubel H, Whelan J, Millar AH (2009) Experimental analysis of the rice mitochondrial proteome, its biogenesis, and heterogeneity. Plant Physiol 149(2):719-34.
Baer B, Heazlewood JL, Taylor NL, Eubel H, Millar AH (2009) The seminal fluid proteome of the honeybee Apis mellifera. Proteomics 9(8):2085-97.
Howell KA, Narsai R, Carroll A, Ivanova A, Lohse M, Usadel B, Millar AH, Whelan J (2009) Mapping metabolic and transcript temporal switches during germination in rice highlights specific transcription factors and the role of RNA instability in the germination process. Plant Physiol 149(2):961-80.
Taylor NL, Millar AH (2009) Long bugs to small plants — the role of Lon1 in protein stability and thermotolerance NEW PHYTOL. 181(3): 505-508.
Millar AH, Carrie C, Pogson B, Whelan J (2009) Exploring the function-location nexus: using multiple lines of evidence in defining the subcellular location of plant proteins. Plant Cell 21(6):1625-31.
Huang S, Taylor NL, Whelan J, Millar AH (2009) Refining the definition of plant mitochondrial presequences through analysis of sorting signals, N-terminal modifications and cleavage motifs PLANT PHYSIOL. 150(3):1272-85.
Tan KC, Heazlewood JL, Millar AH, Oliver RP, Solomon PS (2009) Proteomic identification of extracellular proteins regulated by the Gna1 Galpha subunit in Stagonospora nodorum. Mycol Res 113(5):523-31.
Baer B, Eubel H, Taylor NL, O'Toole N, Millar AH (2009) Insights into female sperm storage from the spermathecal fluid proteome of the honeybee Apis mellifera. Genome Biol 10(6):R67.
Ito J, Taylor NL, Castleden I, Weckwerth W, Millar AH, Heazlewood JL (2009) A survey of the Arabidopsis thaliana mitochondrial phosphoproteome. Proteomics 9(17):4229-40.
Narsai R, Howell KA, Carroll A, Ivanova A, Millar AH, Whelan J (2009) Defining core metabolic and transcriptomic responses to oxygen availability in rice embryos and young seedlings. Plant Physiol 151(1):306-22.
Kühn K, Richter U, Meyer EH, Delannoy E, De Longevialle AF, O'Toole N, Börner T, Millar AH, Small ID, Whelan J (2009) Phage-type RNA polymerase RPOTmp performs gene-specific transcription in mitochondria of Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell 21(9):2762-79.
Meyer EH, Tomaz T, Carroll AJ, Estavillo G, Delannoy E, Tanz SK, Small ID, Pogson BJ, Millar AH (2009) Remodeled respiration in ndufs4 with low phosphorylation efficiency suppresses Arabidopsis germination and growth and alters control of metabolism at night. Plant Physiol 151(2):603-19.
Lister R, Pelizzola M, Dowen RH, Hawkins RD, Hon G, Tonti-Filippini J, Nery JR, Lee L, Ye Z, Ngo QM, Edsall L, Antosiewicz-Bourget J, Stewart R, Ruotti V, Millar AH, Thomson JA, Ren B, Ecker JR (2009) Human DNA methylomes at base resolution show widespread epigenomic differences NATURE 462(7271): 315-322.
Meyer EH, Millar AH (2008) Isolation of mitochondria from plant cell culture Vol 425, pp 161-169.
Meyer EH, Taylor NL, Millar AH (2008) Resolving and identifying protein components of plant mitochondrial respiratory complexes using three dimensions of gel electrophoresis. J Proteome Res 7(2):786-94.
Carroll AJ, Heazlewood JL, Ito J, Millar AH (2008) Analysis of the Arabidopsis cytosolic ribosome proteome provides detailed insights into its components and their post-translational modification. Mol Cell Proteomics 7(2):347-69.
Lee CP, Eubel H, O'Toole N, Millar AH (2008) Heterogeneity of the mitochondrial proteome for photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic Arabidopsis metabolism. Mol Cell Proteomics 7(7):1297-316.
Huang S, Colmer TD, Millar AH (2008) Does anoxia tolerance involve altering the energy currency towards PPi? TRENDS PLANT SCI 13(5):221-227.
Lister R, O'Malley RC, Tonti-Filippini J, Gregory BD, Berry CC, Millar AH, Ecker JR (2008) Highly Integrated Single-Base Resolution Maps of the Epigenome in Arabidopsis CELL 133(3):523-36.
Armstrong AF, Badger MR, Day DA, Barthet MM, Smith PM, Millar AH, Whelan J, Atkin OK (2008) Dynamic changes in the mitochondrial electron transport chain underpinning cold acclimation of leaf respiration. Plant Cell Environ 31(8):1156-69.
Gregory BD, O'Malley RC, Lister R, Urich MA, Tonti-Filippini J, Chen H, Millar AH, Ecker JR (2008) A Link between RNA Metabolism and Silencing Affecting Arabidopsis Development DEV CELL 14(6):854-866.
De Longevialle AF, Hendrickson L, Taylor NL, Delannoy E, Lurin C, Badger M, Millar AH, Small I (2008) The pentatricopeptide repeat gene OTP51 with two LAGLIDADG motifs is required for the cis-splicing of plastid ycf3 intron 2 in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant J 56(1):157-68.
Carrie C, Murcha MW, Kuehn K, Duncan O, Barthet M, Smith PM, Eubel H, Meyer E, Day DA, Millar AH, Whelan J (2008) Type II NAD(P)H dehydrogenases are targeted to mitochondria and chloroplasts or peroxisomes in Arabidopsis thaliana. FEBS Lett 582(20):3073-9.
Tan KC, Heazlewood JL, Millar AH, Thomson G, Oliver RP, Solomon PS (2008) A signaling-regulated, short-chain dehydrogenase of Stagonospora nodorum regulates asexual development. Eukaryot Cell 7(11):1916-29.
Garmier M, Carroll AJ, Delannoy E, Vallet C, Day DA, Small ID, Millar AH (2008) Complex I dysfunction redirects cellular and mitochondrial metabolism in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol 148(3):1324-41.
Eubel H, Meyer EH, Taylor NL, Bussell JD, O'Toole N, Heazlewood JL, Castleden I, Small ID, Smith SM, Millar AH (2008) Novel proteins, putative membrane transporters, and an integrated metabolic network are revealed by quantitative proteomic analysis of Arabidopsis cell culture peroxisomes. Plant Physiol 148(4):1809-29.
Weckwerth W, Baginsky S, Van Wijk K, Heazlewood JL, Millar H (2008) The multinational Arabidopsis steering subcommittee for proteomics assembles the largest proteome database resource for plant systems biology. J Proteome Res 7(10):4209-10.
Giraud E, Ho LH, Clifton R, Carroll A, Estavillo G, Tan YF, Howell KA, Ivanova A, Pogson BJ, Millar AH, Whelan J (2008) The absence of ALTERNATIVE OXIDASE1a in Arabidopsis results in acute sensitivity to combined light and drought stress. Plant Physiol 147(2):595-610.
Eubel H, Heazlewood JL, Millar AH (2007) Isolation and subfractionation of plant mitochondria for proteomic analysis. Methods Mol Biol 355:49-62.
Ito J, Heazlewood JL, Millar AH (2007) The plant mitochondrial proteome and the challenge of defining the post-translational modifications responsible for signaling and stress effects on respiratory functions PHYSIOL PLANT 129, 207-224.
Millar AH, Liddell A, Leaver CJ (2007) Isolation and Sub-Fractionation of Mitochondria from Plants
Heazlewood JL, Verboom RE, Tonti-Filippini J, Small I, Millar AH (2007) SUBA: the Arabidopsis Subcellular Database. Nucleic Acids Res 35(Database issue):D213-8.
Carrie C, Murcha MW, Millar AH, Smith SM, Whelan J (2007) Nine 3-ketoacyl-CoA thiolases (KATs) and acetoacetyl-CoA thiolases (ACATs) encoded by five genes in Arabidopsis thaliana are targeted either to peroxisomes or cytosol but not to mitochondria. Plant Mol Biol 63(1):97-108.
Taylor NL, Millar AH (2007) Oxidative Stress and Plant Mitochondria.
Heazlewood JL, Millar AH (2007) Arabidopsis Mitochondrial Proteomics
Meyer EH, Heazlewood JL, Millar AH (2007) Mitochondrial acyl carrier proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana are predominantly soluble matrix proteins and none can be confirmed as subunits of respiratory Complex I. Plant Mol Biol 64(3):319-27.
Howell KA, Cheng K, Murcha MW, Jenkin LE, Millar AH, Whelan J (2007) Oxygen initiation of respiration and mitochondrial biogenesis in rice. J Biol Chem 282(21):15619-31.
Eubel H, Lee CP, Kuo J, Meyer EH, Taylor NL, Millar AH (2007) Free-flow electrophoresis for purification of plant mitochondria by surface charge. Plant J 52(3):583-94.
Winger AM, Taylor NL, Heazlewood JL, Day DA, Millar AH (2007) Identification of intra- and intermolecular disulphide bonding in the plant mitochondrial proteome by diagonal gel electrophoresis. Proteomics 7(22):4158-70.
Geisler-Lee J, O'Toole N, Ammar R, Provart NJ, Millar AH, Geisler M (2007) A predicted interactome for Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol 145(2):317-29.
Howell KA, Millar AH, Whelan J (2007) Building the Powerhouse: What are the Signals Involved in Plant Mitochondrial Biogenesis? Plant Signal Behav 2(5):428-30.
De Longevialle AF, Meyer EH, Andrés C, Taylor NL, Lurin C, Millar AH, Small ID (2007) The pentatricopeptide repeat gene OTP43 is required for trans-splicing of the mitochondrial nad1 Intron 1 in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell 19(10):3256-65.
Winger AM, Taylor NL, Heazlewood JL, Day DA, Millar AH (2007) The Cytotoxic lipid peroxidation product 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal covalently modifies a selective range of proteins linked to respiratory function in plant mitochondria. J Biol Chem 282(52):37436-47.
Narsai R, Howell KA, Millar AH, O'Toole N, Small I, Whelan J (2007) Genome-wide analysis of mRNA decay rates and their determinants in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell 19(11):3418-36.
Holt KE, Millar AH, Whelan J (2006) <i>ModuleFinder</i> and <i>CoReg</i>: linking gene expression modules with promoter sequences motifs to uncover gene regulation mechanisms in plants PLANT METHODS 2: 8.
Clifton R, Millar AH, Whelan J (2006) Alternative oxidases in Arabidopsis: a comparative analysis of differential expression in the gene family provides new insights into function of non-phosphorylating bypasses. Biochim Biophys Acta 1757(7):730-41.
Howell KA, Millar AH, Whelan J (2006) Ordered assembly of mitochondria during rice germination begins with pro-mitochondrial structures rich in components of the protein import apparatus. Plant Mol Biol 60(2):201-23.
Alexeyenko A, Millar AH, Whelan J, Sonnhammer ELL (2006) Chromosomal clustering of nuclear genes encoding mitochondrial and chloroplast proteins in Arabidopsis TRENDS GENET 22(11):589-93.
Foley RC, Sappl PG, Perl-Treves R, Millar AH, Singh KB (2006) Desensitization of GSTF8 induction by a prior chemical treatment is long lasting and operates in a tissue-dependent manner. Plant Physiol 142(1):245-53.
Ito J, Heazlewood JL, Millar AH (2006) Analysis of the soluble ATP-binding proteome of plant mitochondria identifies new proteins and nucleotide triphosphate interactions within the matrix. J Proteome Res 5(12):3459-69.
Millar AH, Whelan J, Small ID (2006) Recent surprises in protein targeting to mitochondria and plastids CURR OPIN PLANT BIOL 9(6):610-5.
Heazlewood JL, Millar AH (2006) Plant Proteomics: Challenges and Resources
Millar AH, Heazlewood JL, Kristensen BK, Braun HP, Møller IM (2005) The plant mitochondrial proteome. Trends Plant Sci 10(1):36-43.
Taylor NL, Heazlewood JL, Day DA, Millar AH (2005) Differential impact of environmental stresses on the pea mitochondrial proteome. Mol Cell Proteomics 4(8):1122-33.
Huang S, Greenway H, Colmer TD, Millar AH (2005) Identification of proteins synthesised in rice coleoptiles during prolonged anoxia ANN. BOT. 96(4):703-15.
Winger AM, Millar AH, Day DA (2005) Sensitivity of plant mitochondrial terminal oxidases to the lipid peroxidation product 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal (HNE). Biochem J 387(Pt 3):865-70.
Heazlewood JL, Millar AH (2005) AMPDB: the Arabidopsis Mitochondrial Protein Database. Nucleic Acids Res 33(Database issue):D605-10.
Clifton R, Lister R, Parker KL, Sappl PG, Elhafez D, Millar AH, Day DA, Whelan J (2005) Stress-induced co-expression of alternative respiratory chain components in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Mol Biol 58(2):193-212.
Murcha MW, Elhafez D, Millar AH, Whelan J (2005) The C-terminal region of TIM17 links the outer and inner mitochondrial membranes in Arabidopsis and is essential for protein import. J Biol Chem 280(16):16476-83.
Eubel H, Braun HP, Millar AH (2005) Blue-native PAGE in plants: a tool in analysis of protein-protein interactions. Plant Methods 1(1):11.
Heazlewood JL, Tonti-Filippini J, Verboom RE, Millar AH (2005) Combining experimental and predicted datasets for determination of the subcellular location of proteins in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol 139(2):598-609.
Murcha MW, Millar AH, Whelan J (2005) The N-terminal cleavable extension of plant carrier proteins is responsible for efficient insertion into the inner mitochondrial membrane J MOL BIOL 351(1):16-25.
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