Peter Goldacre Award for Dr Caitlin Byrt

Posted: Sep 10th, 2018

Dr Caitlin Byrt has been awarded The Australian Society of Plant Scientists (ASPS) prestigious 2018 Peter Goldacre Award, one of the Society's premier research awards.

Caitlin is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the University of Adelaide’s School of Agriculture, Food and Wine and the ARC Centre of Excellence in Plant Energy Biology at the Waite Research Precinct.

Her expertise is in the area of plant biology, particularly as it relates to membrane transport and cell wall biology. The main focus of Caitlin’s research is identifying traits that influence cereal crop productivity.

The Peter Goldacre Award honours the memory and attainments of Peter Goldacre, a young scientist and foundation member of the ASPS. The Award is made on the merit of original research in one area, the findings of which have been published, or accepted for publication, in the three years preceding the year of the Award. The work should be done within 10 years of the candidate submitting their PhD.

“I am very grateful for the support of my colleagues and mentors. The encouragement and research training they have given me has made the wonderful honour of receiving this award possible,” Caitlin said.

Caitlin will receive her award and present the Peter Goldacre Lecture at the ComBio2018 conference to be held in Sydney in September.

Media References
  • Karina Price (ARC CoE in Plant Energy Biology, Science Communications Officer) +61 8 6488 4481
For further information contact: [email protected] YXKqGojHYy8abLAjx