Professor Ryan Lister named Premier’s Science Award 2019 Finalist

Posted: Jul 2nd, 2019

Congratulations to Plant Energy Biology's Chief Investigator Professor Ryan Lister on being named a finalist for Scientist of the Year at the 2019 Premier's Science Awards.

The announcement comes as recognition of Professor Lister's pioneering epigenomics research, the study of the molecular code that controls gene activity. His accomplishments include generating the world’s first complete maps of the human epigenome, and groundbreaking research in plant and animal systems that expanded our understanding of genome regulation, stem cell biology and brain development.

Professor Lister's research has had far reaching benefits in a range of areas including prenatal testing, cancer detection, and regenerative medicine technologies. He has also spearheaded the formation of cutting-edge new genomics research facilities to serve scientists across Western Australia.

The Premier's Science Awards celebrate outstanding achievements from scientists at universities and centres within Western Australia. Recipients exemplify the outstanding scientific research and engagement taking place in the State.

The other finalists for the Premier's Science Award - Scientist of the Year 2019, are Professor Phil Bland (Curtin University), Professor Wendy Erber (University of Western Australia), and Professor Robert Newton (Edith Cowan University).

The winner will be announced at the Premier's Science Award ceremony on 13 August 2019. We wish the best of luck to Professor Lister at the awards.

For further information contact: [email protected] Bk8QKo95vmKogk3Pe