Ryan Lister a WA Scientist of the Year

Posted: Sep 30th, 2020

A researcher from The University of Western Australia who has made significant advancements in understanding molecular programming in cells which determines how living creatures function has been awarded joint Scientist of the Year in the 2020 Premier’s Science Awards.

Professor Ryan Lister, Chief Investigator at the ARC Centre of Excellence in Plant Energy Biology and a Professor of Genome Sciences at the Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research is a pioneer in the field of epigenomics – the study of the molecular code that controls gene activity.

Prof. Lister generated the world’s first complete maps of the human epigenome, and his ground breaking research in plant and animal systems has revolutionized our understanding of genome regulation, stem cell biology, and brain development.

These major advances in knowledge underpin future improvements to human health and agriculture.

Professor Lister, together with Professor Steven Tingay from Curtin University were last night named joint winners at the Premier’s Science Awards, which celebrate scientific achievements of the Western Australian science community.

Postdoctoral Research Development Fellow Dr Sam Buckberry from PEB and UWA’s School of Molecular Sciences was also recognised as a finalist for the Woodside Early Career Scientist of the Year.

UWA’s Vice-Chancellor Professor Amit Chakma praised the work of the researchers for creating new knowledge to benefit humanity.

“Scientific discovery is vital to develop solutions to global challenges and expand our understanding of ourselves and the world around us,” Professor Chakma said.

“These scientists have contributed to major scientific advancements that advance the prosperity and welfare of our community.”

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