Workshopping the energy costs of salinity tolerance in crop plants

Posted: Sep 10th, 2018

The ARC Centre of Excellence in Plant Energy Biology recently hosted the 22nd New Phytologist Workshop ‘Energy costs of salinity tolerance in crop plants’.

The April workshop, held in Adelaide, aimed to develop an energy budget for the different mechanisms of salinity tolerance in crop plants. Such a budget will serve as a guide to the most cost-effective breeding strategies to increase salt tolerance and yield of important crops.

The workshop’s delegation of international and Australian experts from relevant fields participated in vigorous and productive debate around the supply of energy from various sources versus the energy demands for excluding salt at the root surface, as well as for locking up sodium in plant vacuoles.

New ideas on plant energy generated by water and salt uptake were discussed.

This project was a led as a join initiative by PEB, the ARC Research Hub and Legumes for Sustainable Agriculture.

Media References
  • Karina Price (ARC CoE in Plant Energy Biology, Science Communications Officer) +61 8 6488 4481
For further information contact: [email protected] jQzsXh4QgzFQm7C2v